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Funding Your Tree Planting Project

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Could you be receiving financial support for your Tree Planting project?

Woodland creation, and larger scale Afforestation, offers an exciting opportunity for those looking for sustainable land- based investments. Well managed woodland boosts biodiversity, increases the value of their land, and generates sustainable timber supply – which in turn pays financial dividends.

2022 saw the average value p/ha of stocked woodland increase by 46%. This, alongside the rise of the “green economy”, has created the perfect storm for landowners to maximize the benefits offered by woodland creation grants, the woodland carbon guarantee, as well as the woodland health grants offered through countryside stewardship.

Woodland creation planning grant:

You can apply for £1,000 to complete stage 1 of the Woodland Creation Design Plan Template a desk-based exercise to identify the constraints and opportunities that may affect the proposed planting. If there’s potential for woodland creation to take place on the site, then you will be offered a stage 2 payment of up to £150p/ha. In addition to this, you might be eligible to claim back the costs of any supplementary surveys that may be required.

Woodland creation grants:

Woodland creation grants are available for the creation of woodlands between 3 & 10 hectares. These grants provide an initial payment that will usually cover the basic costs associated with planting & guarding tree stock. You will then receive additional maintenance payments for up to 10 years to support the ongoing costs of caring for your woodland – which is vital for the creation of financially on environmentally positive projects.

Woodland health payments with countryside stewardship:

If you have existing woodlands that have become unhealthy, you may also be eligible for woodland health payments which can support the costs of tree surgery and tree removal, as well as covering the cost of replanting, and protecting certain areas – such as those that have been felled due to tree diseases.

Woodland carbon guarantee:

The woodland carbon guarantee enables the sale of carbon credits from new woodlands as they grow. Unlike other schemes the woodland carbon guarantee does not support implementation or early maintenance costs, but instead provides an income every 5 years based on the growth of your woodland, making investment in new woodlands a more secure and attractive option.

Heres a basic overview to give you an idea of which schemes may be most applicable for you.

In addition to Grants and subsidies schemes, owners of woodland sites, including new plantations, do not have to pay capital gains on their timber investment as it grows, or income tax on the sale of their timber once harvested.

We have experience working directly with landowners, as well as teaming with land agents to deliver woodland creation projects, provide finance options, and monetize your project.

For more guidance please contact us directly.


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